Making Carpool Coordination Easier
Scheduling and coordination is the bain of my existence. Any time saved coordinating daily is a benefit to my day.
My Complicated Carpool
I love my kids' carpools, but scheduling can be time consuming. Moreover, daily coordination can be a challenge as well. I'm glad that I have OtoZen; it makes communication easier without constant texts and calls.
Here's how it works. My son is an 8th grader, and he carpools with 2 other families that have kids at two different elementary schools. I do most of the driving, and we usually have a tight timeline (teens are not early risers!). With OtoZen, the other families can see when I'm about to arrive at their house so the kids can be ready to go. It's chilly in the morning, so kids don't have to wait outside for long.
Ensuring an On-Time Arrival
It's a 30 min drive, and I have to make multiple stops. For peace of mind, the other parents can also see when I arrive at each school. And if at any time during the drive a parent needs to message their child (they don't have smartphones -- yet), they can just voice message the car via OtoZen and their message will play over the car speakers automatically. I don't have to pick up the phone. It's incredibly comforting to them that an automatic crash detection on the OtoZen App will notify emergency contacts and 911 in case of a collision.
If I'm doing the afternoon pickups, my son can see when I'm going to arrive (it varies, depending on how long it takes me to pick up the other 3 carpool kids). He can also voice message me while I'm driving if he is running late, so I don't have to rush.
And in 2 years, when my son starts driving, I know there will be an app for him to use so I can see when he arrives at his destination or when he's headed home. With driver scores that will keep him aware of speed limits and prevent texting while driving, he'll have what he needs to develop good driving habits.
See how OtoZen helps parents like Jen coordinate their busy lives safely.